Lectures on Standard Model and Beyond given by Professor Harald Fritzsch (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet, Germany) October 9 - November 5, 2012:
Professor Harald Fritzsch at Ilia State University PDF
Five lectures about "The evolution of the universe" were delivered by the Professor Leonard Kisslinger (Carnegie Mellon U., USA); 18 – 23 June. [Lecture photos]. All lecture notes are now available to download in the PDF format: Lecture-1, Lecture-2, Lecture-3, Lecture-4, Lecture-5.
The workshop "Low dimensional physics and gauge principles" started in Yerevan, September 21-26, at Alikhanian National Laboratory and continued in Tbilisi, September 28-29, at Andronikashvili Institute of Physics. Find below the PDF files of the talks delivered at this workshop in Tbilisi. [Workshop photos]
Alexander Belavin - "Instantons and 2d superconformal field theory" [PDF]
Zurab Berezhiani - "Gravitons as Goldstone particles and cosmology" [PDF]
John Chkareuli - "What can we learn from spontaneous Lorentz Violation " [PDF]
Sergey Gevorkyan - "Final state interaction in kaons decays and ππ scattering lengths measurements" [PDF]
Anzor Khelashvili - "On the status of the radial Schrodinger equation" [PDF]
Iosif Khriplovich - "Gravitational four-fermion interaction and Hamiltonian of ferromagnetic type" [PDF]
Sergei Matinyan - "Quantum mechanics of electron transfer between double concentric
quantum rings in
magnetic field" [PDF]
Michael Maziashvili - "Implications of minimum-length deformed quantum mechanics for QFT/QG" [PDF]
Alexander Nersesyan - "Quantum criticalities in a spin-orbital chain: A field theoretical approach" [PDF]
Zurab Tavartkiladze - "Three family SU(5) GUT" [PDF]
The group of Japanese colleagues from KEK - Yoshitaka Kuno (Osaka University), Tomofumi Nagae (Kyoto University), Toshiyuki Takahashi (Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Tsukuba) and Hirokazu Tamura (Tohoku University) visited Ilia state U. on Tuesday, 21 September; Javakhishvili Tbilisi State U. on Wednesday, 22 September and Andronikashvili Institute of Physics on Friday, 24 September. Find below some of the talks delivered in the framework of these meetings (click to open or right-click and choose "Save Target As/Save Link As" to save). [Meeting photos]
Tengiz Barnaveli - "Investigation of the High Eenergy Extensive Air Showers" [PDF]
Zara Bagdasarian - "Cherenkov Telescope Arrays: Reflector Design Study" [PDF]
Tamar Djobava - "Research Activities in Particle Physics (Experiment) at High Energy Physics
Institute of TSU" [PDF]
Yoshitaka Kuno - "Search for Charged Lepton Flavor Violation at J-PARC" [PDF]
Teimuraz Nadareishvili - "HEPI ‒ Theoretical Investigations" [PDF]
Tomofumi Nagae - "Present Status of J_PARC and Strangeness Nuclear Physics Program" [PDF]
Hirokazu Tamura - "Progress in Hadron and Nuclear Physics at J-PARC" [PDF]
Zurab Tavartkiladze - "Research and Activities of Particle Physics Department at Andronikashvili
Institute of Physics" [PDF]