Postgraduate Opportunities

Special welcome to our prospective students! If you are looking to apply for a MSc/PhD program - "Particle Physics and Cosmology" at Ilia State University, first please contact one of the members of the center to discuss the potential research topic. Poking about the website you can learn more regarding to the research carried in the CEPP, lecture courses expected etc. From time to time, we organize informational meetings for prospective students. To become a MSc student you have to pass the entrance exam held every year at the National Examinations Center. So, you have to go to this site and make the registration for the exam. For entering the PhD program you have to pass two exams - English and Specialty, both of them held at the University. For further details please contact either Ms. Ia Kupatadze, E-mail:; Tel: (+995 32) 239 0091; or Ms. Marika Ninidze, E-mail:; Tel: (+995 32) 231 7983. The rules for the international students are somewhat different, see more. If you have questions, please, do not hesitate to contact Ms. Irina Sulkhanishvili, E-mail: ; Tel: (+995 32) 223 0714.

MSc Courses

Presently Center provides the following mandatory courses for MSc students

In addition to these mandatory courses the MSc program of Particle Physics and Cosmology includes the following optional courses

MSc students are also involved in Individual Research Project program that aims at strengthening of research and professional career skills. For obtaining the MSc degree, students must obtain an overall average mark of at least 50% and a mark of at least 50% for the individual project. Center provides various working facilities to the PhD and MSc students, like working area, computers, printers etc.

PhD Courses

Core courses for the PhD students include

Apart from the lecture courses there holds a regular seminar at the Center on many topics of Particle Physics and Cosmology where talks are presented by Center members and visiting scientists in a relatively pedagogical way to be accessible without special knowledge or expertise. The seminar helps to bridge a gap between teaching practice and professional research in this quickly developing branch of physics.

    Together with all that, the teaching at the Center includes some introductory lecture courses for undergraduate students on quantum physics, special relativity and cosmology having the well-defined and measurable learning goals that may be useful even for a student who seems to keep aloof from Particle Physics and Cosmology.

Lectrure notes

  John Chkareuli

  Mirian Tsulaia