Welcome to Our Website!

       Aside from its research mandate, the Center for Elementary Particle Physics (CEPP) provides a wide array of educational outreach activities for students, teachers and members of the general public in order to share the joy of scientific research, discovery and innovation. The Center is a member of the Institute of Theoretical Physics. There is a close relationship between the CEPP and the Department of Particle Physics in Andronikashvili Institute of Physics, including a joint "City Seminar on Particle Physics and Cosmology".
       From 2013 to 2016, the research of the group is partially supported by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation, contract number 31/98. Project Title: "Towards Realistic Unification of Elementary Forces Beyond Standard Model: Some Physical and Astrophysical Consequences" (see project Summary).

    Postal address:  CEPP, Ilia State University, 3/5 Cholokashvili Ave., Tbilisi 0162, Georgia
    Tel:  (+995 32) 223 0714;   Fax:  (+995 32) 294 713;   E-mail: 

    City Seminar on Particle Physics and Cosmology
    Posted on September 24, 2013

    Next seminar will take place on Friday, September 27, at 16:00 in the Givi Khutsishvili Lecture Hall at the Andronikashvili Institute of Physics. Speaker: Jambul Gegelia (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany & Javakhishvili State U.); Title: "The use of effective field theory methods for nuclear forces".

    Abstract: Observations show that galaxies have magnetic fields with a component that is coherent over a large fraction of the galaxy with field strengths of order 10-6 Gauss. These fields are supposed to be the result of amplification of an initial weak seed magnetic field of unknown nature. A recent study, based on the correlation of Faraday rotation measures and MgII absorption lines (which trace halos of galaxies) indicates that coherent microGauss-strength magnetic fields were already in place in normal galaxies (like the Milky Way) when the Universe was less than half its present age. This places strong constraints both on the strength of the initial magnetic seed field and the timescale required for amplification. Understanding the origin and evolution of these fields is one of the challenging questions of modern astrophysics. In this talk I will address the primordial magnetogenesis scenario, and discuss dow does a seed field evolve during the evolution of the universe, including during phase transitions and the formation of cosmic structure.

    Normally, this informal seminar takes place at 15:00 on Thursdays. For scheduling the talk, please, contact one of the members of CEPP or the Department of Particle Physics at Andronikashvili Institute of Physics. Upcoming seminar is announced (about a week before the seminar) on e-mailing list as well. If you are interested in getting the seminar announcements, you must subscribe yourself to the mailing list. To subscribe to the seminar mailing list send email to: The subject of the message should read: subscribe seminar, and the text of the message should contain your: Name and Surname (as you want it to be displayed). If you ever want to remove yourself from the mailing list, you can send email to the same address with the subject: unsubscribe seminar.

    European School of High-Energy Physics
    Posted on January 11, 2013

    The School will be held in Hungary from 5 to 18 June 2013. Please note that the deadline for applications is 15 FEBRUARY 2013. The lectures will cover a broad range of HEP topics at a level suitable for Master students specializing in elementary particle physics and cosmology. Note that, as indicated on the web page, one or two students from developing countries could be considered for financial support.

    Scientific-educational workshop in cosmic ray physics
    Posted on November 29, 2012

    Workshop "GELATICA-2012" will take place in Tbilisi, Georgia, 6-7 December, 2012. For more details see the PROGRAM.

    Lectures on Standard Model and Beyond
    Posted on October 3, 2012

    Speaker: Prof. Dr. Harald Fritzsch (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet, Germany);
    All lectures will be given in the Lecture Hall A101 at Ilia State University (I. Chavchavadze Avenue 32); Lectures will begin at 15:00 and will conclude around 17:00.

    • October 9 - "Standard Model - Electroweak interactions"

    • October 16 - "Flavor Mixing - Fermion Masses - Neutrino Oscillations"

    • October 23 - "QCD - Grand Unification"

    • October 30 - "Composite Weak Bosons, Leptons and Quarks"

    • November 5 - Public lecture: "The Big Bang"

    Invited Lectures in Particle Physics and Cosmology
    Posted on May 21, 2012

    The following lectures in particle physics and cosmology are currently planned at Ilia State U., (any changes will be announced promptly on this site):

    • 18 – 23 June, Speaker: Leonard Kisslinger (Carnegie Mellon U., USA),
      Title: The evolution of the universe.
      All lecture notes are now available to download in the PDF format:

    • 8 – 12 October, Speaker: Johan Fynbo (Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark),
      Title: Probing the nature of the first galaxies; Lectures will be given in Conference Hall 101 at the Institute for East Studies, Ilia State University (located around the Park Vake); Lectures will begin at 15:00 and will conclude around 17:00.