City Seminar on Elementary Particle Physics and Cosmology

It is a joint seminar of CEPP & the Department of Particle Physics in Andronikashvili Institute of Physics. Normally, this informal seminar takes place at 15:00 on Thursdays. For scheduling the talk please contact one of the members of CEPP or the Department of Particle Physics in Andronikashvili Institute of Physics.

Date Speaker Title Time & Venue
27 December
George Lavrelashvili

(Razmadze Math. Institute)

Some aspects of tunneling in presence of gravity [PDF]
15:00 - Lecture Hall S101, Ilia State University.
13 December
Misha Maziashvili

(Ilia State U.)

Minimum-length deformed field theory
15:00 - Lecture Hall S101, Ilia State University
18 October
Harald Fritzsch

(Ludwig–Maximilians–Universität, Germany)

Are the weak bosons composite particles? [PDF]
15:00 - Lecture Hall A101, Ilia State University
27 September
Mirian Tsulaia

(University of Auckland, New Zealand & Ilia State U.)

Conformally invariant equations for higher spin gauge fields
15:00 - Conference Hall 101 at the Institute for East Studies, Ilia State U.
28 June
Ilia Gogoladze

(Bartol Research Institute, University of Delaware, USA & Andronikashvili Inst. of Physics )

Higgs mass in supersymmetric theories
15:00 - Givi Khutsishvili Lecture Hall, Andronikashvili Institute of Physics
27 June
Eric Linder

(Berkeley Lab & University of California, Berkeley, USA & Institute for the Early Universe, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea)

Testing dark energy and gravity with cosmological surveys [PPTX]
12:00 - Lecture Hall G106, Ilia State University
21 June
Leonard Kisslinger

(Carnegie Mellon U., USA)

Tests of symmetries via neutrino oscillation measurements
16:00 - Lecture Hall A101, Ilia State University
10 May
George Mamatsashvili

(Javakhishvili State U.)

Dynamics of self-gravitating protoplanetary discs
15:00 - Givi Khutsishvili Lecture Hall, Andronikashvili Institute of Physics
19 April
Jemal Khubua

(HEPI, Javakhishvili State U.& JINR, Dubna )

CERN, ATLAS and not only
15:00 - Givi Khutsishvili Lecture Hall, Andronikashvili Institute of Physics
10 April
Vladimir Roinishvili

(Andronikashvili Inst. of Physics, JINR, Dubna & CERN, Geneva.)

Andronikashvili Institute of Physics and CMS collaboration
15:00 - Givi Khutsishvili Lecture Hall, Andronikashvili Institute of Physics
26 January
Zurab Kepuladze

(Andronikashvili Inst. of Physics & Ilia State U.)

Spontaneous Lorentz Violation – Physical and Astrophysical Consequences (PhD Thesis)
15:00 - Lecture Hall A101 ,
Ilia State University
12 January
Tina Kahniashvili

(Ilia State U. & Carnegie Mellon U., USA)

Are cosmic magnetic fields of primordial origin?
15:00 - Givi Khutsishvili Lecture Hall, Andronikashvili Institute of Physics

Previous seminars:  2011,  2010