
Research interests

Unified Theories of Quarks and Leptons, Flavor Mixing and Family Symmetries, Grand Unification and Superunification, Superstring Phenomenology, Spontaneous Lorentz violation and Origin of Symmetries, Emergent QED and Gravity Theories, Topological Defects in Particle Physics and Cosmology, Extra Spacetime Dimensions.


List of publications from HEP-INSPIRE.

Recent talks

  1. Emergent Gauge Theories from Spontaneously Broken Supersymmetry [PDF]
    (20th International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions, SUSY 2012, 13-18 August, 2012, Beijing, China)

  2. PHYSICS in GEORGIA: Particle Physics and Cosmology [PDF]
    (International Workshop "Basic Sciences in Caucasus and Central Asian Region", November 1-3, 2011, Tbilisi, Georgia)


Courses 2011-2012

  • Fall: Individual Term Project I, PhD Course
  • Spring: Individual Term Project II, PhD Course
  • Spring: Special Course on Gravity, PhD Course

Courses 2010-2011

  • Fall: Special and General Theory of Relativity II, MSc Course
  • Fall: Classical and Quantum Fields, PhD Course
  • Fall: Individual Term Project, PhD Course
  • Spring: Individual Term Project, MSc Course
  • Spring: Individual Term Project, PhD Course

Courses 2009-2010

  • Fall: Special and General Theory of Relativity II, MSc Course
  • Spring: Special Course on Gravity , MSc Course

Courses 2008-2009

  • Spring: Special and General Theory of Relativity I , MSc Course